On this page
Use cases
- Landing/Motivation page
- Start using, tutorials
- Find checkers, settings and params variations
- Contribution guide and ADRs
Structure draft
- Landing page
- Main page (overview)
- How to
- Recommended configs
- Changelog
- Authors and dependencies
- settings/
- checker 1
- checker 2
- contribution/
- add new checker
- new functions (proposal format)
- ideas and feedbacks
- ADRs/
Tools and setup
I very well known with Hugo and Geekdocs. But I found new beautiful doc theme - lotus.
I decided to place documentation files inside repository docs folder because:
- It’s easier to automate
- Single change log generation
- DoD PR checks
- Projects is not a library. First priority - binary distribution. So .md files inside package is not large problem.
ADR naming: yy-mm-name.md - it’s ok if few files inside month unordered. Lotus can order pages by weight, but it’s nice to have timeline of titles.
I have idea to make doc pages for Go code, but it’s useless now. I’ll do it later.
CI draft
- Generate by hand (junk files) OR by CI (pages branch)? => default CI
- PR doc page preview generation? => maybe, later
- GH Pages or other => GH Pages, nikitarusin.com later
- go modules or theme files or git module => go module (simpler, no junk files)
Main page
- Goal
- Status: In progress