Prototype is finished. Next goal is good marketing message and starting documentation.

%%{init: { 'theme': 'dark' } }%%
            : Config variables renaming
            : Writing style and spell check
            : Overview and config top view
            : Quick start
            : CI setup
            : Subject format
            : Scripting (values, types, functions)
            : Rules library
            : Code (Tools and Libs, Contribution, Authors)
            : Landing rework
    Changelog gen
            : All
            : Last version
            : Gen, set tag and commit


  1. commit.format -> commit.subject because footers and body checks will be added in the future.
  2. custom-rules -> check-functions because of more sounding name

Documentation linters

Docs quality is important. But ARD contains spelling and grammar issues, because I’m lazy.

Vale is good text style checker with no external API calls. I can’t find alternative to it.

I’ll add CI check for pages other than ADR and will check new ADRs locally. Later I’ll fix issues in past ADRs.

Documentation pages

Documentation is important for:

  1. User experience
  2. Picture of serious approach to development
  3. Trust in project future

All of this is part of decision-making process “can I use it?” or “can I trust it?”

In opposite to conventional-commit tools changes allows you to easily setup validation and changelog generation for an any commit format. Add your custom values and task/issue id regexp.

Docs structure

  • Overview
  • Quick start
    • Local installation
    • Minimal config
    • Commands
    • CI setup
  • Usage
    • Config
    • Commit format
    • Check functions
      • Values
      • Types
      • Macros
      • Methods
  • Awesome configs
  • Codebase
    • Tools and libs
    • Authors
    • Contribution