
Tool developed as alternative to Danger. Important to have ability to post message in Pull Request.

Overview page has message about ugly output.



  ## Commits

- No more than 4 commits

9999999: bla bla

- some error
- some error

2141234: blabla bla

- some error
- some error

## Changes


- some error
- some error


- No more than 4 commits

9999999: bla bla
- some error
- some error

2141234: blabla bla
- some error
- some error

- some error
- some error

Log level vs all errors

Danger has ability to post different types of messages: error, warning, and message.

changes check hasn’t, because check command main goal - finding mistakes. Other instruments or commands solve other cases.

Group by error vs group by object

Group by commit and file used because user wants to fix all issues in file or message at one time.

:1:1 at the path end

Tools can recognize path output and replace it with link to open.