One stop page for check-function writing.


Use separate PRs for fixes and features. Function checks parsed commit types.

  commits.exists(c, c.type == "fix") && commits.exists(c, c.type == "feat")

Page contains draft flag and not shown. Function checks changed files and its content.

    && c.chunks.exists(ch, ch.content.contains("draft:"))

Too big file change, more than 250 added lines. Using change stats.

  changes.filter(change, change.path.endsWith(".go") && change.stats().additions > 250)

Commit author email.

  commits.filter(commit, !""))


Top level variables accessible from CEL function.

commitsDiff commits. Allows to review commit types, author, messages and other data.Commit list
changesDiff file changes. Allows to review files content, new or deleted lines.Change list
nowCurrent timetimestamp


Language types

bool, int, double, string, duration, timestamp


list, map

App types


Git commit data

  // Commit data
type Commit struct {
// Message is the commit message, contains arbitrary text.
message string
// Author is the original author of the commit.
author Signature
// Committer is the one performing the commit, might be different from Author.
committer Signature
// ParentsCount is count of the parent commits of the commit.
parentsCount int
// Commit values
type string
title string
context string
issue string
// ...


Commit author and committer data

  // Signature is used to identify who and when created a commit or tag.
type Signature struct {
// Name represents a person name. It is an arbitrary string.
name string
// Email is an email, but it cannot be assumed to be well-formed.
email string
// When is the timestamp of the signature.
when time.Time


  // Change represents the necessary steps to transform one file into another.
type Change struct {
// Path is file path after change
// empty if file deleted
path string
// PrevPath is file path before change
// empty if file created
// diff from Path if file renamed
prevPath string
// Chunks returns a slice of ordered changes to transform "from" File into
// "to" File. If the file is a binary one, Chunks will be empty.
chunks []Chunk


Result of calling сhange.stats()

  type Stat struct {
additions, deletions int


  // Chunk represents a portion of a file transformation into another.
type Chunk struct {
// Content contains the portion of the file.
type Operation
// Type contains the Operation to do with this Chunk.
content string

// Operation: Equal, Add, Delete


&&, ||, !, ==, <, >, -, +, /, %, *Common logic operatorsx / 2, a <= b
?:Conditional evaluationy != 0 ? x/y : 0
[]Get child by index of keysomeList[0], someMap['keyName']


Common for most types

FunctionApplied toExample
sizestring, list, mapsize("test123"), size([1, 2, 3])
stringint, double, duration, timestampstring(123)
intstring, double, timestampint("123")
doubleint, stringdouble(123)

List and map tests

FunctionPredicate matchesExample
all(x, p)all list elements or map keys[3, 6, 9].all(n, (n % 3) == 0)
exists(x, p)any list element or map key[3, 3, 3].exists(n, n == 3)
exists_one(x, p)exactly one list element or map key[3, 6, 9].exists_one(n, n == 3)

List transformations

filter(x, p)Sub-list of elements[1, 2, 3].filter(i, i % 2 > 0)
map(x, t)New list with transformed elements[1, 2, 3].map(n, n * n)
map(x, p, t)New sub-list with filtered and transformed elements[1, 2, 3].map(n, n % 2 > 0, n * n)


startsWithboolHas prefix"test123".startsWith("test")
endsWithboolHas suffix"123test".endsWith("test")
containsboolHas sub-string"123test".contains("test")
matchesboolHas regexp matches"123test".matches("^d+w+$"), "123test".matches("w+")
durationdurationConvert to duration. Supported suffixes: h, m, s, ms, nsduration("10h20m30s40us50ns")
timestamptimestampConvert to time. Format RFC3339timestamp("1972-01-01T10:00:20.021-05:00")

Timestamp and duration

FunctionReturnsApplied to
getMilliseconds0-999timestamp, duration
getSeconds0-59timestamp, duration
getMinutes0-59timestamp, duration
getHours0-23timestamp, duration
-, +timestamptimestamp +/- duration
-, +durationduration +/- duration