On this page
One stop page for check-function
Use separate PRs for fixes and features. Function checks parsed commit types.
commits.exists(c, c.type == "fix") && commits.exists(c, c.type == "feat")
Page contains draft flag and not shown. Function checks changed files and its content.
&& c.chunks.exists(ch, ch.content.contains("draft:"))
Too big file change, more than 250 added lines. Using change stats.
changes.filter(change, change.path.endsWith(".go") && change.stats().additions > 250)
Commit author email.
commits.filter(commit, !commit.author.email.endsWith("@gmail.com"))
Top level variables accessible from CEL function.
Name | Meaning | Type |
commits | Diff commits. Allows to review commit types, author, messages and other data. | Commit list |
changes | Diff file changes. Allows to review files content, new or deleted lines. | Change list |
now | Current time | timestamp |
Language types
, int
, double
, string
, duration
, timestamp
, map
App types
Git commit data
// Commit data
type Commit struct {
// Message is the commit message, contains arbitrary text.
message string
// Author is the original author of the commit.
author Signature
// Committer is the one performing the commit, might be different from Author.
committer Signature
// ParentsCount is count of the parent commits of the commit.
parentsCount int
// Commit values
type string
title string
context string
issue string
// ...
Commit values accessible by their names.
Commit author and committer data
// Signature is used to identify who and when created a commit or tag.
type Signature struct {
// Name represents a person name. It is an arbitrary string.
name string
// Email is an email, but it cannot be assumed to be well-formed.
email string
// When is the timestamp of the signature.
when time.Time
// Change represents the necessary steps to transform one file into another.
type Change struct {
// Path is file path after change
// empty if file deleted
path string
// PrevPath is file path before change
// empty if file created
// diff from Path if file renamed
prevPath string
// Chunks returns a slice of ordered changes to transform "from" File into
// "to" File. If the file is a binary one, Chunks will be empty.
chunks []Chunk
Result of calling сhange.stats()
type Stat struct {
additions, deletions int
// Chunk represents a portion of a file transformation into another.
type Chunk struct {
// Content contains the portion of the file.
type Operation
// Type contains the Operation to do with this Chunk.
content string
// Operation: Equal, Add, Delete
In progress. Chunk type field adaptation to script.
Operator | Meaning | Example |
&& , || , ! , == , < , > , - , + , / , % , * | Common logic operators | x / 2 , a <= b |
?: | Conditional evaluation | y != 0 ? x/y : 0 |
[] | Get child by index of key | someList[0] , someMap['keyName'] |
Common for most types
Function | Applied to | Example |
size | string , list , map | size("test123") , size([1, 2, 3]) |
string | int , double , duration , timestamp | string(123) |
int | string , double , timestamp | int("123") |
double | int , string | double(123) |
List and map tests
Function | Predicate matches | Example |
all(x, p) | all list elements or map keys | [3, 6, 9].all(n, (n % 3) == 0) |
exists(x, p) | any list element or map key | [3, 3, 3].exists(n, n == 3) |
exists_one(x, p) | exactly one list element or map key | [3, 6, 9].exists_one(n, n == 3) |
List transformations
Function | Returns | Example |
filter(x, p) | Sub-list of elements | [1, 2, 3].filter(i, i % 2 > 0) |
map(x, t) | New list with transformed elements | [1, 2, 3].map(n, n * n) |
map(x, p, t) | New sub-list with filtered and transformed elements | [1, 2, 3].map(n, n % 2 > 0, n * n) |
Function | Returns | Meaning | Example |
startsWith | bool | Has prefix | "test123".startsWith("test") |
endsWith | bool | Has suffix | "123test".endsWith("test") |
contains | bool | Has sub-string | "123test".contains("test") |
matches | bool | Has regexp matches | "123test".matches("^d+w+$") , "123test".matches("w+") |
duration | duration | Convert to duration. Supported suffixes: h, m, s, ms, ns | duration("10h20m30s40us50ns") |
timestamp | timestamp | Convert to time. Format RFC3339 | timestamp("1972-01-01T10:00:20.021-05:00") |
Timestamp and duration
Function | Returns | Applied to |
getMilliseconds | 0-999 | timestamp , duration |
getSeconds | 0-59 | timestamp , duration |
getMinutes | 0-59 | timestamp , duration |
getHours | 0-23 | timestamp , duration |
getDayOfWeek | 0-6 | timestamp |
getDayOfMonth | 0-31 | timestamp |
getMonth | 0-11 | timestamp |
getFullYear | 0-10000 | timestamp |
getDayOfYear | 0-365 | timestamp |
- , + | timestamp | timestamp +/- duration |
- , + | duration | duration +/- duration |